Max and Jan

Friday, October 10, 2008

Busy Day

This was one of those days where every minute was taken. Max had to work last night from 11-7am and I snuck past Max asleep on the couch so I didn't wake him. I had a few clients this morning and then we drove to Blackfoot to get a stove insert some guy had to put in the old house Max had found to help out the heat situation for our renter. It cost the renter $750 to fill the propane tank over there.
It seems like there is a frenzy around here to get Food storage. I feel pretty useless not getting more done this year. We did some jam, and some Elderberry and chokesherry syrup off the trees in our own yard. I guess at least we will have WAFFLES!! A couple of our friends have food storage like you Simply can not believe. I am going to try to putt along and get a little more ahead. We have worked so hard on this house, we have let that stuff go. Walton has some food storage stuff that most of these gals go over and get and I looked on line today and some orders are 5 weeks out. Interesting huh? I think we can rest assured we are guided by a Prophet. We have been warned and especially prompted lately to stay out of debt and get food storage. I remember being told in my old ward that Heavenly Father always warns his people and prepares a way for them to be less harmed in crisis if only they will prepare. I am sooo thankful for a very hardworking husband and boys who have made this home we have. Max and Bryce have stored us up a bunch of wood. I am glad we have that wood stove if the power goes out. Our power bills have been very minimal with the way this is insulated and how Max has started using our wood stove.
This year I made a goal for myself that we were going to eat more healthy so I have been making our own bread with whole wheat.I think I have actually weaned Bryce off HOT POCKETS. Aside and apart from that, Bryce is growing up into a very NICE young man. He is also in my opinion quite handsome.I am very grateful for his kind, guileless spirit.He seems to be having a pretty good start to a fun Senior year.
I received my Scentsy kit and am excited to add this to the shop. Nothing better than good smells...well ya there is more to life than that but it's still one fun little thing in life.PomegraneteOrange...mmmm...Pumpkin spice.
Well after that we went up to Pages because Randy shot a Buck and isn't fond of deer meat so he gave us the deer. Man am I grateful for that!Max and Bryce hung that in the shop!(yes...We DO have a place for that Shane...grin) and Bryce helped me carry my Beauty shop chair in the house just in time for my haircut that came.9My chair was at Tracy's shop in Blackfoot and we picked that up when we got the stove insert) Bryce headed out for his game and dance tonight...We did the game...had 2 minutes to throw Bryce some money to eat on and got Max home in time for him to go to work. Yeah on no sleep!! Max loaded the wood stove and headed out.
Oh and Chris's Amanda is going to have surgery on the 3oth of this month. She is having some problems with her jaw. It has some perforations in the bone and she has had that TMJ thing. I am grateful she is going to be my son's wife. She took good care of him when he got the flu. It's a great blessing to me to have a wonderful companion and I am glad they have each other. Shane and Keighty are able to be together right now in Hawaii and will be married soon.We have another grandchild on the way and Brandi is feeling better. Thats been a miracle.Life is Good!

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