Max and Jan

Friday, February 13, 2009

It's a new Start...3 years going on 50

Well, It is almost our 3rd anniversary going on our 50th, and we have another NEW start...ready set go....Max has a new job and I must say I have not seen him this HAPPY. We are excited and can now see how the whole plan has been laying itself out. Max will have a full endorsement CDL and it will fall right in to what he will be doing. They are sending US to Florida for him to go to the school In March.
Max and I were very much wanting to be able to go to church together instead of only 4 months in a year and we now have weekends together and can maybe manage some camping trips in on the weekends. We are trying to build up a food storage along with what we have. Max had a permapak food storage and I checked it out on the internet and it was still good. I have been making our bread for awhile now and been able to use the powdered milk, potatoe flakes from the storage and am incorporating a little at a time into our meals. We were so blessed to have it and all the meat that we got this last fall.I want to get a little more structured meal plan going on. That is just full blown fun to me. We are eating a little healthier here. We have been able to completely eliminate the hotpockets and poptarts out.
Bryce also has a job now. He is working at flying J. He is also put a couple of applications out as far as college.He will be graduating from High school in May. Chris and Amanda are preparing to look at housing near Durkee where he will be working as soon as he graduates from ISU this May.
Tony and Brandi are pretty close to having their new little guy here . Shane is anxious to get on with life and be home with his new little family.
JJ has become a pretty good little fisherman. Max said he caught his 3rd one all on his own and pretty much shadowed Grandpa all day.
The salon is going very well and I am close to being able to close it in to a more structured schedule. I have been going 2 days a week to Blackfoot because Tracy had rotator cuff surgery. That came in handy right now. A friend of mine has been diagnosed with Ovarian cancer and I will have a 4 hour a week job cleaning at her home. That I plan to buy food storage with.
Shortly here I am going to begin writing a book. I have joked about it for years but between that and wanting to get back into my tole painting, I am wanting to start making some dolls and painting their faces....It never hurts to dream....Dreams are what life is all about.

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