Max and Jan

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Christmas Tradition ....for those who are lucky enough to have it every year of their lives is wonderful. Personally, I love the anticipation of Christmas more than anything. I was lucky enough to have wonderful Christmas childhood memories with My sisters, my parents, my grandma and my son.As a little girl, Christmas Eve was my favorite and it still is. My Mom decorated like crazy. She made whipped wax Christmas candles with old ornaments, paper mache reindeer heads, ( That's where I got the idea to paper mache' the onion coach and the rocks for the Shrek swamp for our weddin)plywood Christmas lawn ornaments, some were snow people in my family's likeness. There was a Santa train and it was all lit up with spotlights. My sister Molly later took hold of that and created her own. She had a big white bible that she had a red ribbon in The scriptures of the birth ofthe Savior, a hurricane vase that held broken ornaments of the past that I will never forget. There was the aluminum tree of Christmas past that had the 3 colored disc that changed the color with the spotlight. Christmas Eve brought my Grandma Nellie in her once pink buick and in the end it was red. Dad would always kid her about parking 5 feet from the curb so the neighbor could pull out of his driveway and hit her car broadside when he had too much Christmas cheer. We helped Grandma carry numerous gifts she had been given from her customers, (she was a hairdresser and newspaper writer) neighbors and friends. There was the trying to stay in bed baecause we wanted to get out 5 times in the night and scope out our treasures with a flashlight. I don't know why it was so hard to sleep . It might have been the brand new flannel pajamas or nightgowns we 3 clones wore. I said clones, not clowns.My parents were very good at making sure the gifts Santa brought were equal in spite of the fact , we were each different. Santa made Barbie doll clothes by the dozens, doll cradles, doll clothes and other cool stuff. There was the pink kitchen and Santa fashioned Sue a homemade Indian doll in it's own papoose one year. My Dad's black lab chewed the toes of one of my dolls and a cast was quickly fashioned on my dolls foot. I had a club foot which was casted when I was younger and the plaster of Paris was used by Santa. Dad would take us sleigh riding behind the old tan truck and the red GMC. He pulled a red flyer sleigh and saucers with long ropes down roads that were remote. The ditch and the roll overs were many but it sure was fun. I think he did it to exhaust us and help their night come on a little quicker.There was BIG PHIL and his wife Lois who came over for a short visit. Mrs. Gagon, who was the Mortgage holder who sent a large box of nuts and mouths full of cancor sores.The nut baskets was decorated with green and red felt that held the nut crackers and picks. Norky Norcross would bring his annual bottle of Booze. There were the year we had toilet paper tubes covered with green and red felt that held our napkins for the Christmas dinners we had on the BEST CHINA. I loved to eat the special clam dip.
I know why my Mom never wanted us to get married. It's because all of that goes away and new traditions or someone elses traditions take their place. Christopher gave me 4 DVD's of old vhs videos he preserved this year for Christmas. I enjoyed watching those by myself Christmas afternoon while Max slept. I do regret he had to grow up as a only child and miss the fun of having other brothers and sisters sneak around with a flashlight looking at all the new Christmas surprises. We would have to wake him up because no one was their to stir him up.I hope he has a lot of kids so he can have fun with that.
Chris's Dad came from a divorced family and their traditions took another whammy on me. Christmas dinner was spagetti, garlic bread and WINE.( His mom is Italian) I DEPLORE ALCOLHOL at Christmas time. I even hate the mention of it. It tears away at the very fiber that makes Christmas.
My single Christmas's were the worst. However, the first Christmas I was divorced, My sister decide to have a Old fashioned one at the Boy scout cabin in Grace. We were in snow up to our knees in a wood fire heated room making orange juice can top ornaments with 5 little boys. Chris always wore the standard Union suit Pjs like Gus in "The Lonesome Dove".One thing Sue was good at doing was improvising.That became harder for me to do. I lived in Blackfoot and trying to split time with kids who are caught in divorce was hell. Sue's boys and my Chris were never on the same schedule so it was hard. There was one Christmas that My Grandma didn't feel good enough to come to and I knew that the old traditions were soon to be dismantled. I spent a few Christmas Eves totally alone or typing to other alone friends on the Internet. I tried really hard to find that feeling but home never did feel like home did to me as a kid. My time to have Christopher was in the morning so I was locked into waiting in Blackfoot for my turn.I will always believe that divorce is Satan's all time way of destroying that very precious Christmas spirit at least for me. Single hood brought numerous boyfriends traditons also or those who were like me trying to mak it back to our own set of traditions.
Then came Max... not the dog from The Grinch stole Christmas but my dear sweet husband who is steeped in his own 49 years of tradition in Inkom. least in this home feels more like home to me. Max is here.... Chris is folks are closer being in Soda even though I don't get there much.I enjoy having family here and I have enjoyed decorating this home to create that feeling I used to have as a kid. Max gave me a little wall hanging that says " So it isn't Home sweet home...adjust" Boy isn't that true??? They are gone just like yesterday is gone.Now, The traditions we have are those of Max's family. Christmas Eve is at Bea n Ed's house, Easter is at Bea and Ed's house.
Thanksgiving is every other year is at Bea and Ed's house. Memorial day is at Henry's Lake with Bea and Ed. Once a month, we have family home evening at one siblings house.I really do miss MY FAMILY. I miss my parents, my sisters and their kids in my life. Sometime soon they will all fit back in this new life.
I was reminded again that we all have those huge transitions to make by Shane's Keighty. They had to go to Great Falls Montana to pick up Baby girl Shayne. Keighty was in tears Christmas morning because of that and it flooded back a lot of memories to me of that time and change in my life. For those of you who are lucky to hang on to the same traditions you have had for years, YOU ARE BLESSED.! I hope to hang on to all that that which was fun and hope that each of you can have that happen at least a few times in your life. In the future, I hope Max and I have a home where someone feels that feeling of tradition again.... here in OUR home. I am most grateful to my sweet husband who takes his role as a husband most seriously. I didn't want him to get me anything for Christmas this year as we approach this no employment situation. I think he wanted to choke me when I said I really don't need anything.I am most grateful for the gift he is in my life. He makes this house more home to me.
Thanks for the wonferful gifts you all gave to us this year...The digital pictue frame,The Cougar cheese,The baseball park village piece, The DVD videos, The vinyl pages for the cutter and the cutter Max gave me, The snowman, The chips and salsa, Money, The bread basket... It's been a good holiday season for us.
I think this year will be a good one for us with some new changes on the horizon. Max in a new and different job,Shane home with his new wife and daughter, Chris and Bryce graduating, Tony and Brandi having a new baby, a wedding for Chris and Amanda and our 3rd anniversary. Happy New Year.....

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